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“And then the knowledge comes to me that I have space within me for a second, timeless, larger life”

Welcome to my website and private practise. Thank you for visiting and I hope you will find what you're looking for.


As a Jungian Coach and dream worker, I'm here to accompany you at whatever stage of your life journey you find yourself at.

Perhaps there's a past experience or relationship which is demanding your attention, maybe there are life circumstances or personal characteristics that feel limiting and frustrating. Perhaps you feel isolated or at a crossroads, or, like so many of us, you may find yourself in the middle of your life, "lost in the woods." Perhaps you want to access more creativity or explore a new idea for your life. 


Whatever it is that brings you to our sessions, we'll work together to explore what may have been keeping you stuck or in the dark, as well as the parts of you that represent your most authentic longings and potentials. Using Jungian understandings and techniques, I'll help you uncover the symbols and archetypes that have been guiding you and gain insight into the deeper issues at play.

Our work is not to do with "fixing" you or your life, it is about establishing connection with your own trustworthy inner guide. Coaching will give you new tools and insights, help you untangle confusing emotions or situations, tap into your creativity and wisdom, and find the path that's truest for you. Ultimately, coaching contributes to what Jung called "individuation" - the lifelong process of self realisation, and the discovery and experience of meaning and purpose.

"It is worst to stay where you do not belong at all than to wander around lost for a while ..."



Our coaching sessions will take place online and last an hour. Jungian coaching is what's known as "brief and in-depth." For the brief part: typically sessions take place on a weekly basis over a period of months, unlike long-term therapy which can last years. As concerns the "in-depth," we will go as deep as you feel comfortable and feels called for. Whilst this work can be demanding, it can also be playful, creative, and inspiring. In the sessions, following your lead, we will explore the material you bring. There will be ample space to simply talk and think things through;a Jungian approach may also bring in the following: 


Dreams communicate in images that often surprise, shock, bemuse, or delight, using a different type of logic and language than we are habitually used to. I work from the premise that dreams are uniquely valuable, and are always in the service of health and wholeness. There are multiple approaches to dreamwork we can work with, all of which tap the dreaming self's wisdom and help bring it into the waking world. 


"Dreams show us how to find meaning in our lives, how to fulfill our own destiny, how to realize the greater potential of life within us.”  

Marie-Louise von Franz


The body is an often undervalued source of insight and experience. Feeling into our dreams and life situations through the inner experience of the body almost always yields something unexpected and vital, something the intellectual mind couldn't come up with alone. Considerable research now supports the importance of somatic experience in therapeutic work.


Knowing what story we're in can give us insight into the nature of our current situation, the potential pitfalls, core lessons, and where we're likely to find help along the way. We may find ourselves, for example, living like the Ugly Duckling, or, like Bilbo, we may be rudely awakened from our settled comfort to go on a great adventure into the unknown.

"Storytelling is at the heart of life . . . in finding out own story we assemble all the parts of ourselves."

Marion Woodman

About the Sessions
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Work with imagination and creativity helps us see around corners, over or under things that are blocking us. It connects us to what Jung called "a wealth beyond our fathoming." 



I'm an internationally certified Jungian coach with additional training and experience as a dreamworker. To our work, I bring the greatest respect for each individual's path. I offer a safe, judgement-free environment.  In my practise, I regularly work with clients with issues such as overwhelm, unmanageability, stuckness, searches for meaning, and for what feels like “home”—whether that’s in terms of career, actual location, relationships, or relationship to one’s own most authentic self. I have particular experience working with those in the creative and artistic professions. As a psychological astrologer (that is, an approach to astrology using depth psychology), I can bring astrology's understandings into sessions for those for whom the astrological perspective is important. I’m happy to work simply on dreams with people who are interested in exploring their dreams and don’t have any particular issue they’re addressing. Additionally, I'm very comfortable working with people in 12-step recovery. I began this path in my teens and early twenties, as I tried to find a way out of a period of deep depression and lostness. I looked at my dreams and voraciously read Jung and others in a quest for meaning and how to understand myself in the world. This passion for and deep curiosity about the patterns and energies that shape our lives continued into my work as an actor and writer for over three decades, in which I've worked with story and imagination from every possible angle. My Masters, which focused on mythology, philosophy, and comparative religion, investigated humanity's stories, rituals, and understandings from the Paleolithic to today. For the last decade I've focused on depth psychology in its many manifestations.


Masters in Mythology and Cosmology, University of Wales, Trinity St. David Jungian Coaching diploma, Jung Platform Dream Pattern Analysis certificate, Assisi Institute Certification in Psychological Astrology, Centre for Psychological Astrology, London UK Certification in Advanced Psychological Astrology, MISPA  BA in Theatre Studies, Rose Bruford School, London, UK Diploma in Acting, Arts Educational Schools, London, UK Diploma in Journalism, London School of Communication, London UK SELECTED OTHER TRAININGS ​ Foundation in Applied Jungian Studies, Centre for Applied Jungian Studies Active Imagination, Ken James Embodied Imagination, Robert Bosnack Feminine Power, Claire Zammit


"Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens."





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I'll be happy to send you a free offering of imaginative exercises and writing prompts to support you in whatever it is you're wanting to change or explore.

To set up an initial meeting or to discuss any questions

please use the form below or email me directly at:

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"For you are the secret treasure-bearer, and always have been.
Didn't you know?"



© 2023 Anne Day-Jones Jungian Coaching and Dream working

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